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Prevention of Non-Traumatic Knee Injuries in Basketball players

Basketball players, parents, coaches, and scouts are all aware of the devastating effects of serious knee injuries and how they can quickly change a once bright future in this sport. Non-traumatic knee injuries are second only to ankle injuries as the most prevalent injuries among basketball players. High profile NBA stars like Greg Oden and Derrick Rose have been examples of how seriously these injuries can affect a prosperous career.​​

Implications of Knee Injuries for Basketball Players

  • Research has shown that knee injuries account for upwards of 66% of missed basketball games.

  • Magnetic Resonanace Imaging (MRI) has shown that basketball players without knee pain have a higher prevalence of bone marrow edema, articular cartilage abnormality, patellar tendinopathy, and joint effusion in their knees. This may predispose these athletes to a higher risk of knee pain than other athletes.

  • 33% of NBA players undergoing microfracture surgery do not return to play in the NBA. Of the players that do return, their points scored and minutes played are reduced.

  • Approximately 22% of players having ACL reconstruction did not return to the NBA.

  • Professional basketball players with a history of knee injury demonstrate significant lower limb asymmetries in explosive strength.

How to Prevent Non-Traumatic Knee Injuries

Research shows that these non-contact knee injuries can be prevented through neuromuscular re-education and training corrections.

  • Get screened by a trained health professional for movement dysfunction

  • Strength train appropriately

  • Utilize an efficient warmup

  • Receive regular performance care during the season and off-season

For further information about this topic or to inquire about movement screening for athletes contact Dr. Trevor Vander Doelen, DC through the home page of this website or at his various clinical locations in the Greater Toronto Area.


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Junior, L. C. H., & Kamper, S. J. (2015). Prevention of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries: PEDro synthesis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49(2), 133-134.

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